The poet William Stafford set himself the task of writing a poem a day. When someone asked him what he would do when his poem-of-the-day wasn't very good, he replied "I simply lower my standards." In order to increase output, the bar here is set at a low level - the point of this is to have some fun with current events and politics. I welcome contributions and comments. Now you can also follow Doggerelo on Twitter (@doggerelo). Because of continuing medical problems, I'm no longer able to post a poem-a-day. I'll continue to post poems, but at a reduced frequency, so please stay tuned.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Mitt: Bipartisan Military Budget Cuts Are Obama's Fault

In an Op Ed piece in the Chicago Tribune, Mitt Romney blamed President Obama for the severe budget cuts the military faces as a result of the “sequester” mechanism that both Republicans and Democrates agreed to in an effort to force a solution to the debt ceiling crisis last summer.  He said that the United States was “on a path to a hollow military.”

“Our military’s getting hollow” -
That’s a little hard to swallow.
We spend more on defense
Than fits with common sense.
The cuts that Mitt decries,
Approved by his allies,
Were part of a big deal,
Admittedly surreal,
To cut the growth of debt,
A deal one can’t forget,
Unless of course you’re Mitt
Who alters things to fit
His story of the day
That when matters go astray
And with discontent are fraught,
It’s all Obama’s fault.

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