The poet William Stafford set himself the task of writing a poem a day. When someone asked him what he would do when his poem-of-the-day wasn't very good, he replied "I simply lower my standards." In order to increase output, the bar here is set at a low level - the point of this is to have some fun with current events and politics. I welcome contributions and comments. Now you can also follow Doggerelo on Twitter (@doggerelo). Because of continuing medical problems, I'm no longer able to post a poem-a-day. I'll continue to post poems, but at a reduced frequency, so please stay tuned.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Obama and Birth Control

An intense controversy surrounds the Obama adminstration's ruling that insurance plans should cover the costs of birth control measures.  Exceptions have been granted to churches that oppose birth control but not to church-affiliated institutions like hospitals and universities that serve the general public. Twenty-six states have similar laws on the books already; this includes several states that grant no exceptions to religious organizations whatsoever.

The Church is exceedingly pissed
They say that they've really been dissed
The problem it seems
Are Obama’s new schemes
That on free contraceptives insist.

The Church holds a strong affirmation
That sex is for procreation
If you use the pill
Of your own free will
You’re risking eternal damnation.

Most Catholics don’t pay attention
To the Church’s sexual contention
They’re very receptive
To some contraceptive
Devices for preggers prevention.

Some states have already passed laws
That should give the Church leaders some pause:
For free contraception
There’s to be no exception
No matter what sin that might cause.

Republicans are on the attack
The airwaves are filled with their flak
"If we rant and rave,
Obama will cave
He'll be forced to take his rule back."

Obama,  please stick to your goal
Let all workers have paid birth control
Their health is at stake
So give them a break
‘Though in polls you might pay a toll.

Contraception’s by far the best way
To diminish abortions they say
You’d think all would see
That the best thing would be
To unwanted conceptions allay.

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