The poet William Stafford set himself the task of writing a poem a day. When someone asked him what he would do when his poem-of-the-day wasn't very good, he replied "I simply lower my standards." In order to increase output, the bar here is set at a low level - the point of this is to have some fun with current events and politics. I welcome contributions and comments. Now you can also follow Doggerelo on Twitter (@doggerelo). Because of continuing medical problems, I'm no longer able to post a poem-a-day. I'll continue to post poems, but at a reduced frequency, so please stay tuned.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Capitol Carol

To be sung to the tune of God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen

source images from,
God rest ye right-wing Congressmen
You’ve done enough today
You’ve forestalled any tax increase
That might the debt allay
You've stopped Obama in his tracks
His power's slipped away
    O obstruction’s your comfort and joy
    Comfort and joy
    O obstruction is your comfort and joy

In Washington our Senators
Have lost all their goodwill                 
The filibuster once was rare -
It’s now used for each bill
The vote for cloture’s ne’er approved
So they accomplish nil
    O obstruction’s the right wing’s strategy
    O obstruction is the right wing’s strategy

God help our weary President
Beset from left and right
He called for peace and compromise
And tried to be polite
But Mitch McConnell and his friends
Were spoiling for a fight
    O obstruction’s their comfort and joy
    Comfort and joy
    O obstruction is their comfort and joy

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