The poet William Stafford set himself the task of writing a poem a day. When someone asked him what he would do when his poem-of-the-day wasn't very good, he replied "I simply lower my standards." In order to increase output, the bar here is set at a low level - the point of this is to have some fun with current events and politics. I welcome contributions and comments. Now you can also follow Doggerelo on Twitter (@doggerelo). Because of continuing medical problems, I'm no longer able to post a poem-a-day. I'll continue to post poems, but at a reduced frequency, so please stay tuned.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Mitt's Muddle

The third and last debate’s tonight.
Both candidates are set to fight.
The subject’s foreign policy
And Mitt will try to make us see
Obama’s policies are weak,
Our country’s future’s looking bleak,
Although he’s absolutely no intent
To say what he’d do different. 

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